pfBlockerNG DNSBL – NAT All DNS Traffic To pFsense DNS

The pfBlockerNG package is great from blocking and managing traffic and allowed connect via the DNSBL Feeds & DNSBL EasyList  when using DNSBL to Content, Ads or Internet Trackers you may find that some or all the systems still see the block content, this is normally because there are not using the pFsense built in DNS.

Setup rules to redirect all DNS request to the local DNS

  1. Firewall > NAT > Port Forward> Edit
  2. Interface LAN
  3. Protocal TCP/UDP
  4. Click Invert match select LAN Address
  5. Destination port range From Port DNS and to Port DNS
  6. Redirect target IP
  7. Redirect target port DNS
  8. Create Description
  9. NAT reflection Use system default
  10. Filter rule association Create new associated filter rule
  11. Create rule to allow TCP/UDP from LAN Net to  LAN address on port 53

Hiightlighted in Yellow are the required fields for this rule.