Software Gherkin Scenarios

Understanding Gherkin Scenarios: A Guide to Effective Behavior-Driven Development

Gherkin is a powerful language used in Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to define and describe software behaviors in a human-readable format. It facilitates collaboration between non-technical stakeholders and developers by enabling them to articulate, understand, and verify software requirements using plain language. Gherkin’s simplicity and clarity make it a valuable tool in the software development process.

Structure of Gherkin Scenarios

Gherkin scenarios are structured using a syntax that comprises several key elements:

1. Feature

A Gherkin file typically begins with a Feature keyword, followed by a brief description of the feature being described. This sets the context for the subsequent scenarios.

Feature: Login Functionality
As a user, I want to be able to log into the application, so I can access my account.

2. Scenario

Under each Feature, you define various Scenarios representing different use cases or situations related to the feature.

Scenario: Successful Login
Given the user is on the login page
When the user enters valid credentials
Then the user should be logged in

3. Steps (Given, When, Then)

Each scenario consists of Steps categorized into three main types: Given, When, and Then.

  • Given: Describes the initial context or preconditions for the scenario.
  • When: Defines the action or event that occurs.
  • Then: Specifies the expected outcome or result of the action.

4. And, But

In addition to Given, When, and Then, you can use And and But to make the scenarios more readable and expressive. These keywords allow you to continue the previous type of step.

Scenario: Successful Login 
Given the user is on the login page 
And the user has a valid username and password 
When the user enters the valid credentials 
Then the user should be logged in 
And the user should be redirected to the dashboard

Best Practices for Writing Gherkin Scenarios

To ensure Gherkin scenarios are effective and useful, follow these best practices:

  1. Clear and Descriptive Naming: Use clear, descriptive names for features and scenarios to convey their purpose effectively.
  2. Focus on a Single Behavior: Keep scenarios focused on a single behavior to enhance clarity and maintain simplicity.
  3. Structured and Readable Steps: Structure steps in a clear and readable format, ensuring easy comprehension for all stakeholders.
  4. Collaborative Review: Collaborate with team members to review and refine scenarios, incorporating diverse perspectives and feedback.
  5. Scenario Outline for Variations: Use the Scenario Outline keyword to handle multiple sets of inputs and expected outcomes, providing comprehensive test coverage.
  6. Tags for Organization: Utilize tags to categorize and organize scenarios, enabling targeted execution and management.


Gherkin scenarios serve as a vital tool in BDD, promoting collaboration and enabling a shared understanding of software requirements. By adhering to the Gherkin syntax and best practices, teams can create well-structured, readable scenarios that facilitate effective communication and successful software development.