Keeping A Copy Of The Job Descriptions You Applied Too

Laid off or searching for a new role, these are the steps I followed during my search to keep detailed records of all positions I applied too.

Keeping a copy of the job descriptions you applied to can be beneficial for several reasons, and it’s a good practice during the job application process. Here’s why:

  1. Reference for Preparation: Having the job description handy allows you to review it before any interviews or further stages in the application process. This ensures that you’re well-prepared to discuss how your skills and experience align with the specific requirements of the role.
  2. Guidance for Tailoring Resumes and Cover Letters: By referencing the job description, you can tailor your resume and cover letter to better match the qualifications and responsibilities outlined by the employer. This customization increases your chances of standing out as a suitable candidate.
  3. Clarification of Expectations: Sometimes, job descriptions can be vague or contain ambiguous language. Keeping a copy allows you to refer back to it for clarification on the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the position.
  4. Helps in Follow-up Communication: If you’re invited for an interview or further discussions, having the job description on hand can serve as a reference point for discussing specific aspects of the role and how you can contribute to the organization.
  5. Documentation for Future Reference: Keeping a record of the job descriptions you’ve applied to can be useful for future reference, especially if you’re applying to multiple positions or considering similar roles in the future. It allows you to track your job search efforts and easily revisit details of past applications.
  6. Prevents Misunderstandings: In case there are discrepancies or misunderstandings during the hiring process, having a copy of the job description can help clarify any confusion and ensure that both you and the employer are on the same page regarding the expectations for the role.

To keep a copy of the job description, you can save it as a PDF or screenshot it and store it in a designated folder on your computer or in a physical folder if you prefer hard copies. Be sure to organize your job search materials systematically to facilitate easy access when needed.